Vegetable farm Training for beneficiaries in Yirol East County by HAGI and UN-FAO

Vegetable farm Training for beneficiaries in Yirol East County by HAGI and UN-FAO.

Access to fresh vegetables is essential for a healthy diet, but internally displaced persons (IDPs) and host communities (beneficiaries) in Yirol East County often lack the knowledge and skills to grow their own vegetables. To address this need, (HAGI) is partnering with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UN-FAO) to implement a training program on vegetable gardening.

Training Objectives:

Equip IDPs and host communities with the skills and knowledge to grow their own vegetables.

Improve the nutritional intake of participants and their families.

Increase food security and reduce reliance on external assistance.

Promote sustainable livelihoods and contribute to long-term development in Yirol East County.

Training Program:

The training program will cover a variety of topics, including:

Site selection and preparation: Participants will learn how to choose the right location for their vegetable garden and prepare the soil for planting.

Seed selection and sowing: Participants will learn about different types of vegetables that can be grown in Yirol East County and how to select and sow seeds.

Watering and weeding: Participants will learn about the importance of proper watering and weeding techniques for optimal vegetable growth.

Pest and disease control: Participants will learn how to identify and control common pests and diseases that affect vegetables.

Harvesting and storage: Participants will learn how to harvest their vegetables at the right time and store them properly to maintain their quality and nutritional value.

Demo Plot:

In addition to training, participants will also have access to a demonstration plot where they can put their newly acquired skills into practice. The demo plot will showcase various vegetable varieties and demonstrate best practices for sustainable vegetable gardening.

Benefits of the Training Program:

By learning how to grow their own vegetables, participants will have access to a more diverse and nutritious diet.

Participants can sell surplus vegetables from their gardens, generating additional income to support their families.

The training program will empower IDPs and host communities to become more self-sufficient and less reliant on external assistance.

Sustainable vegetable gardening practices can help to improve soil health and conserve water resources.

Working together in the demo plot will provide opportunities for IDPs and host communities to build relationships and strengthen community cohesion.

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